About the project

The Surrey Cultural Lives map brings together the rich stories of Surrey’s distant and recent cultural past.

Funded by the University of Surrey and created by academics and researchers in Surrey and beyond, the map springs from a desire to bring local stories to life and connect people with their local heritage. Surrey has been filled with inspiring stories of creativity, resistance, and community. The county has welcomed diverse communities and also seen its share of conflict. It has been home to Nobel prize winners, ground-breaking artists, rebels and innovators. From the top of Leith Hill to the basin of the Devil’s Punch Bowl, Surrey is home to a range of cultural stories which the map brings to life in accessible ways. Explorers of the map can follow the links at the bottom of individual entries to find out more about the stories that interest you most. You can even provide us with some of your own reflections or suggest a Surrey life that you think we should include.

Learn more

If you would like to contact the Surrey Cultural Lives team, you can email sllresearch@surrey.ac.uk